The place where we live is close to a lake called Maschee. The first time I heard it, I wasn't sure of what quite to expect. We went boating on it once, as part of the International Study Camp Fun Event and ended up loving the place. We walked back home and the three of us decided that we would come back to jog.
Yes to jog. Because thats what almost EVERYONE does around this lake. If nothing else, its inspiring and makes you want to jog along. Whats wonderful is that everyone jogs at their pace, with their partners or alone, of all ages and does it with full dedication. There is a special lane for the joggers to jog and what is more amazing that one jogs along the lake, which is beautiful. The wind is pure, pristine and extremely fresh. Its an experience that how much ever I talk of, will be not enough to explain the beauty. It makes the fitness freak in you want to get up!
In my excitement, I could only take pictures of the place with a low resolution camera, but its worth a look! The plan is to keep jogging and be fit!!
I dedicate these pictures to my dear father, who is a fan of jogging and exercising and for the longest time I know, the one who I look upto for being fit! . He would have loved this place!
Awesome place! What a scenic way to be fit! Not much of a jogging fan.......But this is sooooooooo tempting!!!