Routine is beautiful. Im a fan. It helps me live better and breathe better too. Usually, that is.
But since the time we got here, i havent been able to set one for myself. it is something i wasnt able to control myself. For in a new land, things will be different and take time to get used. Fair enough. one month passed. Full of fun, frolic and all that jazz.
Honestly Im not a fan. The too much fun makes me guilty and feels like a waste of time. So finally, when routine came into existence, i was probably beaming with joy. Its still not the same everyday, things move around, can be unpredictable, but it is something.
Morning are spent either waking up with a start, or lazily. With a start most of the times. Followed by 'work' on the computer with a laptop breakfast, or getting ready for a class. we live almost an hour away from the university and it involves the change of a train. So make most of it, i end up either saying my prayers on the ride or trying to read up something. i used to sketch, but it got difficult.
A class in german follows, with an english summary. Through the whole class, my eyes search for a familiar word or a sentence. Doesnt usually work. After that, some discussions happen again, in German. Lunch is at the Mensa, the student cafeteria. It usually is good and filling. After that there is another class after an hours gap or so, but the break is spent in the library or some sort of purposeful thing.
Heading back home is usually cold. The wind can almost kill sometimes and i would freeze soon. The ride home is spent taking a nap or writing a blog post as a draft msg. Works very well. (this one is an example). Dinner is the only meal close to being home cooked, but most of the times I mess that upto. The whole process is tiring, some chopping vegs, cooking them, eating and then cleaning up. Takes almost an hour.
This is followed by some mindless time on the internet, a chat or a serial to catch up with, and then obviously feeling guilty about it. there are intermittent periods of working as well. But it is tiring. A book reading session is something I do everynight before I sleep, something I think works best to sleep well.
Inspite of my desperate attempts at trying to maintain a routine, most of the time its not the same. Which is quite scary. Im worried. About my productivity and my courses. I waste time worrying as well. But its all in a days work. Can only hope to cope and manage.
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