Sunday, December 23, 2012

More than Half Way

Its unbelievable how time has flown. We are into more than halfway through our stay in Deutschland and it struck me quite late in the day. Wow, its been a strange past couple of months. Life has changed, systems have changed, everything around has changed.

Recently, I was marking my 'day to leave' on the planner. Until I hadn't realised how close it actually is. Two months more and we are off. Time is flying and its also time to make the best of it. Its been a wonderful journey till now, with ups and downs, many lows and as many highs, but all part of the deal.

Working hard has been part of these three months, and working harder will be for the next two months. Lets hope I dont crack under the pressure. More than halfway done, I have finally begun to settle in, but I also realise that I need to start thinking about leaving! That makes me happy and sad. Its like being torn in two directions between these emotions.

These last two months are the months where we make it or break it. And do it well. We have to.
I hope so. I really hope so.

Three months! Phew!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

(Crazy) Day Planner

The past couple of weeks have been crazy, to say the least. Its been all about appointments, project reports, thinking of things, planning events and what not! I have actually been going pretty mad keeping up with thing. Phew! Apologies if the posting on Die Gilbe have been ignored!

Upon my arrival and settling here, I had bought myself a planner, because I usually keep myself up-to-date with the help of that. The cover seemed a wee bit boring to me, so I decided to jazz it up with a perky yellow plastic cover I found in the stationery! Well, lets just say it added a lot more value than I expected it too. The planner came to me on time, because I had just started to learn German and since it was an all German one, I could begin to recognise words like days, holidays and some other peculiar things found in a calendar. So it excited me a lot! Morover, I have had a thing for making lists, writing down things and doing everything on paper!

Since it was brand new initially, I decided not to write too much in it, it made me feel like I would spoil it. But I would stare at it for long times and sigh in sheer appreciation for something like time. I marked out special days like festivals back home, but for the longest time I didnt write down a lot of things.

Slowly, the planner became my everyday task to see, task to write in and task to think about. A lot of the influence came from people around me who used it. There was always something to write in it and something to refer to.

Until recently. I hadnt noticed how much I wrote on it. The last week was one of my busiest (atleast was planned to be) and I couldnt believe it till I saw it from a distance. Its not that life is SO busy, maybe I like to keep it that way. Its almost like I want to do all that, and stick to doing it. I enjoy writing in it, planning my days, and getting up every morning, looking at my to-do-lists.

So, I hate admitting it, but my Yellow Book is my addiction. I cannot live without it and cant think of a day without referring to it and making my day oh-so-planned. Its like Im dependent on it completely and maybe, its a nice feeling. Maybe.

Planners, are lovely. Must admit.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My German Best Friend

So far along, I have never felt so loved and so much warmth. Until so much so today. Here's why:

When I joined the University, I was completely lost. Thats the least degree I can explain. While I was helped so much by Asja and Christoph, it was only limited to an academic level that they could manage. Asja went out of her way to help me as much as she could, with appointments, translations and what not. But guess I still couldn't figure out some stuff.

So then came the GBF (German Best Friend). My tutor told me she would assign someone to help me with my studies here. Well, I wasnt sure it would happen. I was pleasantly surprised to get a nice email reply filled with welcoming wishes and lot of help. W and I spoke through emails for the longest time. I asked her about everything and she patiently replied to everything, in the perfect way. Always. I found myself whining, asking, complaining and talking about anything and everything. Such  a relief it was.

Then we finally met. She helped me figure so many things from stationery, printing at the University, random information bits and what not. I ended up talking to her and sharing my work and ideas and discussing all sorts of things. So much I learnt from her. We have shared meals and she's helped me find a printer in the town, advised me on some shoes and I have given her random updates. We have had so many conversations over networking sites, W helped me through a lot.

Until recently, we never discussed things in German but  I started using few words and trying my German with her. She always corrects my tense, helps me get the correct word and quizzes me. I love answering them, because I know it'll only help me. But what surprised me was today, W handed me over a book from her childhood that was a nursery rhyme book filled with pictures of animals and illustrated beautifully. She also told me that it was filled with some scribbles of.

Well, I'm sure if so many people weren't around, I would have cried. I couldn't believe it. It was not about the book, but the idea and the thought of her, its difficult to explain the happiness and warmth I felt that moment. It was beautiful. I was so proud and so happy, that I flaunted the book to my German teacher and she couldn't stop smiling either. Here I was in a foreign land without too (m)any friends and no family, and one thing from a friend  made me so happy. It made me believe that its possible to feel warm when its cold, feel loved with new people and that small things can make so much of a difference. So much of a difference.

My German Best Friend. Here's to you, W.
Lots of love!

Pictures of the lovely book!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Sundays are strange. In every way. Especially if I draw a comparison between my sundays back home and here. Not that its special in any sort of way, infact its rather the same as any other day. But its still different.

The only thing that makes me uneasy is that everything is shut, almost everything. Its wonderful that everyone gets one whole day to take a break but its scary because it males me feel like I am trapped. Its something that is rather difficult to explain.

Perhaps the only thing I look forward to are my Sunday brunches. I take full effort to make myself a hearty breakfast cum lunch and that makes me happy in sort of way. Its relaxing and allows me to free my mind a lot more.

Sundays are also days where I try and update my blog and relax as well.  Sundays are also days when I end being very grateful for a lot of things. Its a day I think a lot. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Snowfall

Its December. Finally.
What I expected was not the snow so early, I mean you dont think about when it will come along your way, huh? The weather predictions were made for snow for the Saturday, but that didnt happen. I was disappointed.

Sunday started early and suddenly, Tanya came running to the kitchen, all excited about the 'snowfall'. It had started! I screamed and leaped in joy and we did a small 'woohoo' dance!

It also took me back to the first snowfall I had ever seen. I was hardly 8, but I remember it clearly. My folks and I were in the house, cooped up, them drinking tea and me getting highly bored because of not  being allowed to leave the house, thanks to the cold. This time, Ma screamed and leaped. It was snow indeed. We went out, made snow men and played around. Oh what fun! I still remember the entire scene in my head. It was magical.

This time around, I was excited too, but maybe not so much because I knew it would happen. But it was my first German snow and we did make the best of it, by going out for a walk and sharing the white joys! I will always remember that Sunday, of my first abroad snow!

But that day also reminded of the fact that its going to be a long winter ahead. Im unsure how to feel about that. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The beauty of communication

So, I needed a change and decided to visit the beauty saloon here. I mean it was about time. After some major searching and looking for the perfect one, I found this one accidentally.

I charged into the room, all excited, till I realised that Bahar spoke no English and I spoke no German. The first time, it wasn't an issue, since it was a small beauty thing to be done and I had my German Best Friend along, so that was cool.

The next time I was alone and well, pretty excited to try out a haircut, for some refreshing change in life and yeah, feel good. Bahar welcomed me with a warm smile and asked about my Mother (we had a broken conversation about my Mum last time). Bahar was loving and warm, if I could, I would give her a warm warm hug!!

What followed next was beautiful. She said something in German about my hair, I told her in English what I wanted, she said something again, we communicated through signs and actions and I closed my eyes for the rest of the haircut session.

Needless to say, it looked great and we both smiled like never before.

Ahh, so much happiness. For a change.
Here's to Bahar and to the beauty of communication!